News Ticker

Diagram: #



How to Set Up: #



Content: Choose content from the dropdown option: Post, Page, Product, or Custom Post type
Posts per Page:  Write Post Per Page, e.g: 10, numeric value, for all post write -1
Animation Effects:  This is a dropdown Option, Choose the animation effect of the content, such as slide-left, fade, scroll
Direction: by default, it is LTL( left to right), if you need to select RTL(right to left)
Item Background: Select Wrapper Background Color
Title Color: Text Color
Title Font Size(Px): Text Font Size in Pixel unit
Label(optional): it is a label heading option, such as breaking news, headline, etc
Label Background: Background Color
Label Color: Label Text Color
Display Controls Bar?:  if you display the nav /Control bar then click the switcher
Control Background: Select  Background Color of Control/nav
Control Color: Select  Control/nav Color
Content Divider: if you want to use a divider at the end of each content then user a divider
Enable Read More(Optional)?: f you display the Read More button bar then click the switcher
 Readmore Button color:  Select button Text Color
Readmore Button Background: Select Background Color
ReadMore Button Text: Customize/Change the Read more Text
Display Thumbnail? : if you display image/ thumbnail then click the switcher
Select Thumbnail Size(Px): write image size in the pixel unit
Hide Title?: if you hide Title then click the switcher


Video Tutorial #

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